GORT User Manual v1.1

Once installed in your chatroom, GORT can restrict various user actions, and respond to them based on the security level set by the room owners/admins, as follows:

GORT Security levels:

0: GORT is sleeping and will not respond to any restricted actions.
1: GORT will undo unauthorized modifications (restore group settings, re-add removed users, kick new users when Join/Rejoin/Add/Others actions are restricted)
2. GORT will undo unauthorized modifications and issue warnings to users who performed restricted actions. Offenders are kicked after a few warnings.
3. GORT will undo unauthorized modifications and kick offenders instantly with no warnings (the only exception is Chat event that will still trigger warnings before a kick).

GORT User Classes and Permissions

GORT introduces the concept of user hirerarchy. User classes are listed below:

Regular users: All users are regular users by default, until promoted. Regular users may not perform any restricted actions.
Trusted users: may perform all restricted actions without triggering a response from GORT.
Admins: may manage most GORT settings, and promote regular users to Trusted Users
Co-Owner: may promote to Admins, access the Remote Console, and run potentially dangerous commands such as mass kick commands
Owner: The creator of the room and owner of the bot. May promote to Co-Owners and uninstall GORT.

GORT commands

Unrestricted commands:

gort status : Displays room info and current GORT settings
gort kick me : Any user can run this command to be removed from the group by GORT. Don't want to be in a group, and don't want it to clutter your Archive? GORT can remove you.

Admin commands:

gort sec [0..3] : Sets the security level.
gort omode on|off : Toggles the Office Mode (no notifications) setting.
gort restrict <action keywords>: Marks the specified user actions as "restricted". GORT will react to restricted actions depending on current security level. Example: gort restrict name kick rejoin.
gort allow <action keywords> : Marks the actions specified as "allowed'. GORT will not react to allowed actions. Example: gort allow topic avatar.

The action keywords recognized by the restict/allow commands:

  • Name : group name changes.
  • Topic : group topic changes.
  • Avatar : group avatar changes
  • Omode : toggling Office Mode (no notifications) on/off
  • Add : adding users to the group by another group member
  • Others : adding multiple unidentified users, triggering the "added ... and N others" system message.
  • Join : new user joins (using the Share URL).
  • Rejoin : old member rejoins (using the rejoin function in GroupMe client)
  • Kick : removing users from the group by another member
  • Chat : Any regular chat message (when resticted, only Trusted Users and above may post messages. Restricting this may be useful in rooms reserved for alerts/announcements)
gort promote Nickname:  promotes a user 1 level(see "User Classes and Permissions").
gort demote Nickname :  demotes a user 1 level.
gort make regular|trusted|admin|co @Nickname1 @Nickname2 ... :  Changes user class to that specified. Allows to easily select multiple users with minimal typing when the @ selector is used.
gort readd Nickname|member ID :  Manually re-adds a recently kicked user back into the group. Useful if the user you want to re-add is not in your contacts and can't be added the normal way. Also clears the infraction counter for users that had been kicked by GORT. Note: users who left on their own cannot be readded.
gort ban Nickname|member id : Bans the user from your group. When a user is banned, he cannot rejoin or be added back into the group. This command can be used even after the user you want to ban leaves your group (unless the user had left before GORT was installed).
gort unban Nickname|member ID : Lifts the ban, allowing the user to rejoin/be readded.
gort welcome on|off : Toggles the Welcome message that will be displayed when new users join the group.
gort welcome Your Text Here : Sets the Welcome Message text. You can use the special variables $U and $G in the message text: GORT will replace them with the users' nickname and a the name of your group respetively, for a personalized welcome message. Example: gort welcome Hello $U, welcome to $G! Enjoy your stay.
gort antighost on|off : Gort will attempt to detect and kick the users who exploited the "ghost rejoin" bug to rejoin the group after being kicked, without triggering a join nofification (May cause false positives. Not recommended unless you do have a problem with ghost rejoiners).
gort antibot on|off : Gort will instantly kick and ban users who install other bots in the group (note that after the bot owner is kicked, GroupMe disables the bot, but it will re-activate if the owner is re-added). This will not detect existing bots, only new installs.
gort show trusted : lists all Trusted users.
gort show regular : lists all Regular (unpromoted) users.
gort show kicked : lists the most recently removed users.
gort show banned : lists current bans.
gort show departed : shows all former group members, most recent first. Status codes: L=left, K=kicked, B=banned
gort show added by <Nickname>: Lists all members added to the group by the member specified
gort show inactive <time int>: lists all members inactive over the specified time interval, sorted by time since the last message. Time interval is specified in the XXdYYhZZm format. Example: "gort show inactive 60d"
gort show new <Status> <time int>: Lists all new memberships within the the specified time interval. Status keywords: added, joined (via Share URL), rejoined, unknown origin, all (default). Example: "gort show new added 7d10h30m" lists all members added to the group within the last 7 days, 10 hours and 30 minutes.

Co-Owner/Owner only commands (use with care) :

gort share on|off : Toggles the public Share URL for the group.
gort close|open : Toggles the closed group status
gort name <Text> : Sets the group name
gort name <Text> : Sets the group topic
gort uninstall : fully removes GORT from your chatroom.

GORT Best Practices, tips and tricks:

  • When in doubt, "gort sec 2" and "gort restrict name avatar omode kick" works best for most chatrooms
  • Designate a few, and only a few trusted people as co-owners/admins so they can manage GORT. Such a promotion is a privilege, not a right.
  • "gort show kicked" shows the list of users GORT can readd.
  • "gort readd" and "gort ban" will recognize the numeric membership id, if the nickname is hard to type
  • promote and demote commands allow you to use the @ selector to easily pick a user with minimal typing
  • When you turn your Share URL off, your old URL is instantly invalidated, and if you re-enable it, GroupMe will generate a totally new one. If your Share URL is published somewhere but you want to limit new joins temporarily, use "gort restrict join" instead.
  • When you change your GroupMe password, your GORT will lose its room access permissions. Remember to log on to the Activation Portal ASAP after a password change to re-authorize your GORT!
  • When group ownership is changed, GORT is automatically disabled. Before changing group ownership, make sure that the new owner is ready to access the Activation Portal to re-activate GORT or your room will be left unprotected.

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